Per awal tahun depan akan ada perombakan di organization chart company gw due termination of our official agent yang berakibat kosongnya kursi-kursi di Sales. Melihat chance ini, my boss, the director offer me the job to help SnM Department.
I don't have any issue to move from one department to another because in this young age I really want to explore what I can do,
Gw engga serta merta say yes, banyak sekali pertimbangan yang harus gw pikirkan mengingat target-target yang harus gw capai, challenge, new knowledge, risk yang mungkin bakal gw hadapi jika tidak mampu memenuhi target tadi.
Scared? A bit. Yes.
Customer service merupakan dunia yang sejak 2007 lalu gw geluti, harusnya sih kalau sekedar ketemu klien and conduct the presentation would not be a problem. Sedikit polesan tentang how to build the chemistry aja sih between me and the buyer, itu kita bisa bahas nanti. Dilemma nya ketika awalnya gw merencanakan pertengahan tahun 2013 nama gw suppose to be in the student list di salah satu universitas di Jakarta.
Iya, gw berencana untuk melanjutkan kuliah
Tempat kuliah sudah gw cari lengkap beserta dengan uang kuliah, ujian masuk, matrikulasi, dan tentu saja jurusan yang gw mau.
Dilemmaa abisss...
Paparan mengenai jam kerja yang ternyata hanya 1 hari day off which means extra working-hours than normal staff, cukup bikin gw ragu untuk mengatur jam kuliah gw, secara kuliahnya hanya di hari JUMAT (17.30-21.30) dan SABTU (14.30-18.00). Damn damn damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
I keep reminding myself, this is gonna be one of the lifetime chance to see other parts of the knowledge, if I stay in my position I will be exactly in the same (comfort) zone but I will be okay the rest of the year.
If I move out, I might be fail or success, I don't know. Too risky but yet exciting. This is the TIME to see the power inside me. I could ended up having lots of money or
Well.... Pray for me so I can decide this wisely.
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