Monday, September 24, 2012

"Wottudu State"

Tumben kerjaan gw banyak..

Hari Senin ini kaki gw pegel-pegel semua, karena kemarin Minggu gw sok-sokan jogging di club komplek rumah gw. Lengkap deh di sini, ada Jogging track, ada kolam renang, lapangan golf, arena memancing-pun ada.

Biasanya alasan gw paling gampang kenapa gw keluar rumah menghindari GALAU.

Ciyus. Cumpah deeeh. Cungguh. #monyongin bibir

Kenapa Galau mesti keluar dari sarang?? Ya tentunya supaya pikiran setidaknya sedikit ter"pecah". I am kinda person yang over-thinking sesuatu yang I don't know itu sebenarnya ketakutan gw semata atauuu emang there's something I should find the solution.

I am in the state of "I don't know what to do", even talking to my boyfriend kinda... I don't know. I just feel something wrong with myself. It's horrible feeling. Believe me.

Another story goes, another broken-heart, another man, another love-life. Like what wise-man said,

  "If you love someone but he breaks your heart. Don't give up on love,Have faith RESTART.
Love like tomorrow never comes, if it does then Love

I tell you, honestly from the bottom of my heart, It's NEVER EVER easy to move on after a great-painful-love-memories. I am not sure if I can write the issue on my blog, explain it just to release "the feeling" cause we don't know, some day, some how, my partner might find this blog, read all these sad stories and then he get hurts by what I am writing even I don't mean to hurt anyone especially him because he is such a nice guy I've ever dated. He could be miss-understood. He could hate me very much.

Or may be I deserve. Really, I've no Idea.

Gotta back to work, trying to get busy, finishing some papers for my bos' signature, some purchase request from HR, and so on.

Have a blast Monday everyone. Happy payday!!

#Lucky me, kata si Boss after lunch dia ada meeting di Tangerang so ngga bakal balik ke kantor. Jadi gw bisa kerja dengan tenang, ngga dikit-dikit dpanggil. Bikin ini kek, itu kek, disuruh panggil staff ini lah, itu lah, haishhh kenapa ngga digunain sih interkom nya pak!! Kesweeell kaki lagi sakit begini mondar-mandir O_o

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